Friday, May 21, 2010


on track to the future © Rona Chang

We are very proud of NYMPHOTO and what the collective has accomplished and stands for.
Over the years we have done it all: exhibits, charity auctions, competitions, lectures, events, meet ups, books, blogs, and interviews. We have met and worked with some amazing people and the collective has been an unrivaled experience.
What's next?
Well, we have decided to take a break.
For how long? We don't know. It might be a permanent vacation.
Why? There are many reasons, all of them positive and having to do with our members living life to the fullest.
Thank you for your support and readership. We are grateful.

So long & see you around!

The NYMPHOTO Collective

PS: The blog will stay up as an archive and we encourage you to check in on our personal blogs and websites (find them on the sidebar) to stay in touch.


Kevin J. Miyazaki said...

Thanks for being such a great resource. I'm one reader who'll be hoping for a return!

Andy Adams said...

Likewise - big fan here too. Looking forward to seeing what's next for each of you. Congrats on the success with this project, ladies!

Ariel Shanberg, Center for Photography at Woodstock said...

Well done NYMPhoto! Your impact will be felt for a long while! Best wishes for an exciting next chapter!

Elizabeth Fleming said...

Really sad to see you go--thanks for all of your support, and wishing all of you luck with your own work. You've done amazing things already, and I'm sure there's more to come!

Isa Leshko said...

Thank you for everything you've done for the photo community, particularly for women photographers. I really hope the conversation series will remain online and perhaps be printed entirely in a book. IMHO, it was an important series and I think will be historically significant.I have greatly appreciated the support you have provided my work and I will miss your blog. I'm looking forward to seeing your next project. Best of luck in your future endeavors. xoxo, Isa

Tamara Reynolds said...

Just discovered your retiring. Bummer. Good luck on your future endeavors and thank you for your contributions to photography. I hope to see you back.