Red Dot Art Fair
Susan Eley Fine Art
Room 210
Thursday, March 27, 11am - 7pm
Friday, March 28, 11am - 8pm
Saturday, March 29, 11am - 8pm
Sunday, March 30, 11am - 7pm
Via Whats the Jackanory?:
Sunday March 30, 2008
Opening reception 'Bitter Sweet': Photographs By Arlene Gottfried
A talk and book signing to be followed by a sunset reception on the beachfront estate to coincide with the release of her latest book "Sometimes Overwhelming" published by powerHouse books.
1:00pm - 5.00pm
The Alice Austen Museum House
2 Hylan Blvd
Staten island
Since the early 70’s Arlene Gottfried has created her own private document of the city, a precious mix of moments that can lead the viewer to laugh, cry and often times blush. She was recently summed up as a “quiet defender of the grimly vibrant denizens of an older New York that’s disappearing daily”, by Tim Murphy of New York Magazine. This show highlights work from he latest book “Sometimes Overwhelming” (published by powerHouse March 2007) and never before seen color photographs that continue her photographic obsession.
Take the 1/9 to South ferry, W/R to Whitehall Street
or 4/5 to Bowling Green Station
From the Staten Island Ferry:
Take the #S51 bus to the corner of Hylan Boulevard
Alice Austen House Museum is a national historic landmark, maintained by the Friends of Alice Austen. Austen was born on Staten Island in 1866, and was introduced to the nascent art of photography at the age of ten by a seafaring uncle. Austen is a singular figure in history, a well-traveled society woman, an accomplished artist with a dramatic personal story that intersected with some of the most important cultural figures of her time.
“Clear Comfort” was the name of the charming waterfront cottage where Austen lived most of her life, along with her companion of 35 years, Gertrude Tate. The home has been preserved as the Alice Austen House Museum to honor her fascinating life and significant contribution to the field of photography.
March 14, 2008 -June 15, 2008
National Museun of Women in the Arts
Representing a collaborative effort between 10 of NMWA’s national and international committees and the museum, Women to Watch focuses on 32 photographic works by 11 contemporary women artists.
The exhibition was designed to increase the visibility of emerging women artists—from the United States and throughout the world—who are deserving of national and international attention. Covering a broad spectrum of themes, styles, and methods the exhibition introduces the viewer to artists from six states: Marita Gootee (Mississippi), Joan Myers (New Mexico), Lissa Rivera (Massachusetts), Zoe Strauss (Pennsylvania), Tricia Moreau Sweeney (Illinois), and Tarrah Krajnak and Wilka Roig (Vermont) and four countries: Valérie Belin (France), Jin-me Yoon (Canada), Elisa Sighicelli (Great Britain), and Paulina Parra (Spain).
Exhibition visitors will be introduced to contemporary photographers whose work reflects the myriad ways in which the media is used today. These include Myers’ panoramic images of generators and power sources, which address the industrialization’s profound impact on the environment; Strauss’s photographs of people, and the urban landscape, in her hometown neighborhood of South Philadelphia; Gootee’s impressionistic images of nature, which emphasize the mutability of photographic perception; Rivera’s deadpan photo-documentation of communal areas of college fraternity and sorority houses; and Belin’s images of Parisian models which have been manipulated to appear lifeless and sexless, raising questions about contemporary identity.
www.nmwa.orgMs. Meader, in the 1930s, took off on a 35,000-mile journey to advance geographic knowledge and made unprecedented aerial photographs of South America and Africa.
Read the entire article/obituary by Douglas Martin for the New York Times here.
Today I blogged about photographer Jane Tam on my personal blog. It's a gushing review, but I think whatever your taste in photography is, her work is worth a look. Only 22 years old, I find her work engaging, mature and promising. Take a look here:
© Jane Tam
The Freelancers Union offers group rate insurance plans to self employed / freelance workers. They recently changed their health linsurance plan provider from HIP to Empire BlueCross BlueShield. Click here to read about why they made the switch.
By buying into a group plan, the rates are so much more affordable than what an individual would be able to get on their own. For example Empire's rate for an individual buying their own coverage in their POS plan is $1398.42/ month, while through the Freelancers Union the same plan is only $382.63/month. Wow! This is a great option for all you self employed photographers out there!
Click here for more information
Love them or hate them there are a number of Art Fairs coming to NYC in the end of March. As an artist I find them an exciting time to see a snap shot of the art world at a moment in time. It's a fantastic opportunity to see artwork and galleries from around the world, all without leaving the city. Although the array of fairs is not as vast and sprawling as was seen in Miami last December, there are several to choose from:
Mark your calendar:
Margot Quan Knight
Now and There
opening Thursday, April 3rd, 6-8pm
James Harris Gallery
312 Second Ave South, Seattle (in Pioneer Square)
A link to more info about the show:
Women in Art Photography
When: Saturday, March 22, 6 – 8 pm
Where: 3rd Ward 195
Morgan Avenue
Brooklyn, NY
Organized by The Humble Arts Foundation
Participants: Amy Stein, Tema Stauffer, Cara Phillips, Mary Mattingly & Sarah Small
The talented Tema Stauffer participated in two Nymphoto Shows.
Read more about this event on Amy Stein's blog :
Work from Justine Kurland's excursions to the Pacific Northwest with her signature group scenes are currently on view at Danzinger Project in New York through April 5th, 2008. Reminiscent of Gauguin but with a very distinct feminine & contemporary approach, Kurland again shows herself to be a major voice in contemporary photography.
This NYTimes article describes the phenomenon of museums using websites such as facebook and myspace to lure in a new generation of art appreciators.
Someday all of the 13 million photographs in Smithsonian Institute will be accessible to viewers, as described in this NYtimes article.
Nymphoto is delighted to announce that Rona Chang's work was selected for exhibition at the Korean Cultural Center in Los Angeles. The exhibit opens on April 4 th and will run through April 24 th, 2008.
Rona also just updated her website and added a section titled "Moving Forward, Standing Still"
-- a thematically curated collection of her images taken during her travels, which highlights her elegant palette and skills of observation.
Muted but colorful palette © Rona Chang
Moonching will show photographs from her Rare Earth and Freshwater series. Well worth checking out!
March 13- May 3, 2008
reception March 20, 6-8:30pm
Mary Ryan Gallery
527 w. 26th St.
New York, NY 10001
Pro Imaging has "launched the first in a series of consumer reports which conduct tests on photography competitions. Those which fail our tests are published on our website at The Rights Off List, along with the reason why they have failed our tests. We test them against the conditions set out in our Bill of Rights."
Today, March 8th, is International Women's Day. Read more about International Women's Day here:
The Commons is a project between Flickr and the Library of Congress. Here's a description from Flickr:
"Back in June of 2007, we began our first collaboration with a civic institution to facilitate giving people a voice in describing the content of a publicly-held photography collection.
The key goals of this pilot project are to firstly give you a taste of the hidden treasures in the huge Library of Congress collection, and secondly to show how your input of a tag or two can make the collection even richer.
You're invited to help describe photographs in the Library of Congress' collection on Flickr, by adding tags or leaving comments."
You can see the photos right here. This is major!
Three cardboard boxes thought to be lost of photographer Robert Capa's work containing thousands of negatives he took of the Spanish Civil War resurfaced in Mexico. Read about their journey in this NYTimes article.
Take a look at her work here:
Part of a series, the Sundance Channel will show a documentary about Barney titled "Tina Barney: Social Study" by Jaci Judelson starting tomorrow and a film about Tina Modotti titled: "Tina in Mexcico" by Brenda Longfellow starting Friday. Check for times and further information here.